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Instant Bookings
Updated over a week ago

Explorate allows you to instantly book a shipment, with just a few clicks, using customised rate cards. We create your rate card for your frequent trade lanes, then you can view a detailed quote and instantly book your shipment.

Want to try Instant Bookings? Send us a message now or email us at and we'll create rate cards tailored to your needs.

View Rate Card

Once the rate card is created, our team will send you a link to access it. Your rate card will include:

  • Freight and Destination Port Charges

  • Carrier

Request Booking

When viewing the rate card, you'll see a "Request Booking" option. Simply enter your shipment details and create a booking within seconds. You will see a full price breakdown, receive your Explorate shipment ID and our team will get the shipment underway.


Want to know more? Send us a message now or email us at

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